11th Anniversary Sharodiyo Durga Utsbhob By BCS

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The President & Management Committee of Bengali Community Singapore (BCS) has the privilege of inviting your family and you to the auspicious occasion of the 11 th Anniversary Celebration of Durga Puja, which will be held from the 26 th of September 2017 (Tuesday) to 30 th of September 2017 (Saturday). Let us once again joyously assemble for the event that quintessentially represents the Bengali culture.
Together, let us seek the limitless, all-encompassing blessings from our beloved Doshobhuja
Jaganmata, so we may thrive and prosper in mind, body and soul in the coming year and thereafter.


Mr. Uttom Kumar Nag


Bengali Community (Singapore)

Registration No. ROS 1089/2007

Registered Office:

Block – 56, #20-15, The Madeira,

Bukit Batok Street – 31, Singapore


Website: www.bengalics.org

E-Mail: info@bengalics.org

   BCS © copyright 2016

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